This deposit is for September pickup. Exact date TBD. For other timing options, take a look at all grass-fed beef quarters.
Fill your freezer with wholesome grass-fed beef! Buying a quarter helps you save money by buying in bulk. All cuts are vac packed. Exact cuts may vary slightly, but a beef quarter typically includes:
Beef Quarters are sold for $7.25/lb based on the hanging weight of the animal, which is determined at the time of harvest. You can expect an average hanging weight of 185 lbs, which will translate to approximately 110 lbs of packaged beef.
The total price you pay will be determined by the hanging weight, which can vary. For example:
You will receive an email when your grass-fed beef quarter is ready for pickup at our farm store in Meaford. The email will include the final hanging weight along with your remaining balance total.